Brent Wilson and I have been holding this pretty closely, but our graphic novel Frog, Log, and Dave Almost Save the Day is coming out in two weeks, and we'll be launching it at Where the Wild Things Are on March 8 at 2.30pm.
We're both so excited to give this book a great send off, I can't even begin to express how proud I am of Brent's incredible art and his authorly collaboration. Which is to say I think we've made a glorious thing. And we even have matching FLD t-shirts.
Brent has had a part in every element of this book, it's infused with his wit and DNA, and I've learnt a lot in seeing it come together from us just spitballing ideas, to shaping a story, to creating this fantastic book.
I'm used to mostly just having my name on a book, but it's been a wonderful thing sharing this, and having a book that is so totally me but also so totally Brent, you rarely get a chance to work with a person so in sync with you creatively.
Anyway, come for the air guitar and the teary eyes, then stay for the adventure. I might be biased (HAH) but this book delivers.